Cannabigerol (CBG) and Cannabidiol (CBD) are the two most common compounds found in cannabis. They both come from cannabigerolic acid, a carboxylic acid compound that forms when enzymes metabolize geranyl pyrophosphate. CBG is classified as a phytocannabinoid and CBD is classified as a phytocannabinoid acid.
Both compounds are non-psychoactive, meaning they do not produce the “high” sensation of THC. For this reason, there’s been some controversy over whether or not CBG gummies and CBD should be legal in America. On February 8th last year, The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced it would be temporarily classifying CBG as a Schedule I drug, alongside THC, to prevent any further confusion.
The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) defines “Schedule I” drugs as substances that have:
“(1) A high potential for abuse; (2) No currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States; and (3) A lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision.”
The FDA’s website has this to say about CBD: “Cannabidiol is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents such as pentane. At room temperature, it is a colorless crystalline solid. The melting point of cannabidiol is < 44 C° (Fahrenheit – 112.0). Its chemical formula is C21H30O2 and its molecular weight 314.46”. So as you can see, it’s highly unlikely that CBG or CBD will become a Schedule I drug anytime soon.
We carry over 500 cannabis products from dozens of different trusted brands, including RSHO™ CBD Oil Drops made by the Stanley Brothers. By the way, our sister company Rocky Mountain High Intensity Beverages has created CBDrinks™ with high quality cannabinoid extracts like CBDa and CBD combined with pure hemp seed oil to make great tasting energy drinks that are also free of any THC! For more information on their products, check out the Stay Covered section of our website.
Both compounds are prevalent in the cannabis plant, but there’s a catch. They’re both found in their acid forms (we’ll explain these shortly). These acid forms of both CBG and CBD must be decarboxylated (heated/burned) prior to use to allow the cannabinoid to become active.
THCA – Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid: This is what you get when you activate THC in its acidic form by firing up your lighter and inhaling deeply. CBG must be heated/burned to convert it into THCA before any psychoactive effects can be felt. Some experts even say that CBG’s anti-inflammatory properties are only unlocked once it’s converted into THCA.
CBDA – Cannabidiolic Acid: Similarly, this is what happens when CBD activates in its acid form (CBDA). Conversion of CBDA to CBD will allow you to reap all of the benefits of CBD, such as reducing nausea and inflammation. Again, some advocates claim that CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects can only be felt once it has been converted into CBD.
The Benefits of CBG and CBD – Scientific Studies:
Cannabidiol (CBD) and Cannabigerol (CBG) are two non-psychoactive compounds found in cannabis that have sparked a revolution in the medical marijuana movement. Scientists around the world are studying them to prove or disprove whether they really do help with specific ailments such as cancer, epilepsy, chronic pain and others so you can make an informed decision as to whether this is something for you or not.
Here we’ve included some of the most recent studies on both compounds that we could find. We’ll updating this page as more information becomes available, so please check back from time to time. If you know of any other studies that we’re missing and would like us to add them to this page, please let us know in the comments section below!