Humane Society Of Boulder Valley Holds Vigil For Lost Pets

Cats, ferrets, fruit bats, hamsters, racoon dogs and white-tailed deer can spread the an infection to other animals of the same species in laboratory settings. Chickens and geese did not become contaminated or unfold the infection based on outcomes from these research. Data from one research recommend that dogs aren’t as likely to turn out Pets to be infected with the virus as cats and ferrets. These findings were primarily based on a small number of animals and don’t indicate whether or not animals can unfold infection to people. There is a few evidence to counsel that laboratory mice, which could not be contaminated with the unique strains of the virus that causes COVID-19, may be infected with new virus variants.

Your pet must arrive in Ireland with you, or within 5 days before or after you travel, whether it is accompanied by a person authorised by you. Learn how …

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