This is the third quantity of Nikolai Medtner’s full songs for Brilliant Classics by soprano Ekaterina Levental and pianist Frank Peters. It includes his Op. 1, The Angel, in addition to a Sonata-Idyll for solo piano, ending with three unpublished songs. This might signal to the uninitiated that this might be the final quantity in this collection, but we still have more songs to cowl, so maintain your eyes open for at least yet one more quantity to return. But no much less than we’re getting nearer to having the majority of Medtner’s songs obtainable. An fascinating assortment, then, and though not all of those pieces are interesting, none of them are bad or poorly written.
But philosophers whose views have been summarized thus far weren’t speaking as philosophers of music. Music involved them in phrases extrinsic to itself, in its observable results; in its connections with dance, religious ritual, …