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Just as cricket uses several technologies in its DRS reviews, Mortlock said he believes rugby can embrace tracking technology as a referee help, too. The third area monitoring technology can be used is to probably assist referees make exact calls on selections like ahead passes, ball-in-touch rulings, and – if gamers are sporting tracking units too – when a chaser is in front the kicker. Similar RFID technology has been used for a quantity of years in the NFL – in the ball and in shoulder-pads – and has reportedly ‘revolutionised’ performance analysis and the data used to recruit players. The information gathered from ball tracking can have three purposes, in accordance with former Wallabies captain Stirling Mortlock, who is an advisor to Sportable and a director of the company’s Australian arm. “There are plenty of caveats in that, around vision and putting folks into house and so on, nevertheless …
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